The GIG Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for People Professionals

Short-term, task-based, and uncontracted work is not new. However, the increase in non-standard employment in the past few decades and the more recent growth of technology-based businesses have given rise to the gig economy, characterised by digital labour platforms. The gig economy has penetrated almost all areas of the globe. It is estimated that digital labour platforms were worth $142 billion in 2018, growing to $311.6 billion by 2023. What are the key issues/implications, challenges, and opportunities for people professionals? How can we as people professionals ensure our organisations and workforce plans reflect the changing climate of work and remain competitive?


Lutfur Ali Chartered FCIPD is Senior Policy Advisor, CIPD [Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI), Business Transformation and Artificial Intelligence]

Lutfur is also Non-Executive Director for the Business Continuity Institute (BCI). With a career spanning over three decades in leadership positions in the public, private, and third sectors, Lutfur has been championing and speaking out for the delivery of social justice, anti-poverty, EDI, and sustainability in organisations across the public, private, and not for profit sectors. He has enabled many organisations to become employers and services providers of first choice and best in class.

Prior to joining the CIPD Lutfur worked in a range of leadership roles including Director of Business Development and EDI for the Tribal Group PLC, Head of EDI for the Department of Health, Head of Policy and EDI for the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, Advisor to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Advisor to the National College of School Leadership and Associate to the National College of Policing. In his role as Assistant Chief Executive for a large local authority he led the overall transformation programme in reshaping the organisations workforce, securing vital partnerships, improving service delivery, and achieving over 30% efficiency savings while protecting front-line services.

Lutfur has served on several landmark UK Judicial Inquiries and Government Task Forces including the Zahid Mubarak Inquiry, the Prime Ministers Prevent Task Force, and the International Ministerial Working Group on Illegal Working.

Lutfur Ali
Lutfur AliSenior Policy Advisor – CIPD